Solving the “Root Resource Was Present, but Now Absent” Error in Terraform Plugins

Terraform is a powerful infrastructure-as-code tool that allows developers to define and provision infrastructure resources using a declarative configuration language. When developing custom Terraform plugins or providers, you might encounter a cryptic error message: “Root resource was present, but now absent.” This error can be puzzling, but it often boils down to a common issue – failing to set the resource ID correctly when creating or reading resources. In this blog post, we’ll dive into this error, explore its causes, and discuss how to resolve it effectively.

Understanding the “Root Resource Was Present, but Now Absent” Error

The “Root resource was present, but now absent” error message can be both frustrating and confusing, especially for Terraform developers who are not familiar with its nuances. This error typically occurs when Terraform expects a resource to exist but cannot find it. This situation can arise due to various reasons, but one of the most common causes is improperly managing resource IDs.

The Role of Resource IDs in Terraform

Resource IDs are crucial identifiers in Terraform’s internal state management. They help Terraform track the resources it manages, allowing it to determine whether a resource already exists or needs to be created, updated, or destroyed. When a resource is created or read, Terraform needs a unique identifier to reference it accurately in the state file.

Causes of the Error

The “Root resource was present, but now absent” error typically occurs under the following scenarios:

  1. Missing or Incorrect ID Setting: If you fail to set the resource’s ID when creating or reading it within your Terraform plugin, Terraform won’t be able to locate the resource during subsequent runs. This leads to the error.
  2. Resource Deletion: If the resource was present in a previous Terraform configuration but has since been deleted manually or through another process, Terraform will consider it absent and trigger this error.
  3. State Corruption: In rare cases, the Terraform state file might become corrupted, causing it to lose track of resources. This can also result in the error message.

Resolving the Error

Now that we understand the potential causes of the “Root resource was present, but now absent” error, let’s explore how to resolve it effectively:

  1. Check Resource IDs: Ensure that you are correctly setting and maintaining resource IDs in your Terraform plugin code. The ID should be unique for each resource and should not change across Terraform runs.
  2. Review Resource Creation: Double-check your resource creation code to ensure it’s setting the ID properly. Verify that the ID matches the format and value expected by your plugin and the underlying infrastructure.
  3. Examine Resource Deletion: If you manually deleted the resource or suspect it was deleted externally, consider recreating the resource or addressing the root cause of its disappearance.
  4. State Cleanup: In cases of state corruption, you might need to clean up the Terraform state. You can use the terraform state command to inspect and manipulate the state file, or in extreme cases, create a new state file.
  5. Upgrade Terraform: Ensure you are using a reasonably up-to-date version of Terraform. Some older versions might have bugs related to state management that have been fixed in newer releases.

Prevention is Key

The best way to deal with the “Root resource was present, but now absent” error is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Be diligent in your Terraform code development by properly managing resource IDs and keeping track of any external changes to your infrastructure. Regularly review and update your Terraform configurations to reflect changes in your infrastructure resources.


The “Root resource was present, but now absent” error in Terraform can be a perplexing issue, but it is often rooted in mismanagement of resource IDs or external changes to resources. By understanding the causes of this error and following best practices for resource management, you can effectively resolve and even prevent it. Terraform’s strength lies in its ability to manage infrastructure as code, and by mastering its nuances, you can harness its power with confidence in your custom plugins and providers.

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